Display Groups


A Display Group is a group of Displays all programmed to play the same set of content via Apps - think of it as a content group. You can have one or many Display Groups under your account. Use the tabs on the Display Group page to manage apps, displays, users, and more efficiently.


Contents of this guide:

Accessing your Display Group(s)

Adding a Display Group


General Info


User Access


Accessing your Display Group(s)

To access your display groups, select "Display Groups" > Display Group Name.


Adding a Display Group

To create a new Display Group, select "Display Groups" > "Add New".




The Display Group Content Tab includes the primary Display Group data, including the active apps and displays enabled on the Display Group.

  1. Dynamic App Playlist: View and manage apps for the Display Group.
  2. Other Apps: These unique apps such as Zoning (which is always running) or Ad Scheduler (with special scheduling), appear in a separate group from the Dynamic App Playlist.
  3. Displays: These are the "devices" playing content, assigned to the selected Display Group.
  4. Content URL Licenses: Sharable content URLs for live web-based Enplug content. Visit this guide for setup and additional information.
  5. Copy This Group: Create a copy of your Display Group for testing or setting up similar display groups.
  6. Delete This Group: Permanently delete your Display Group (and assigned Displays).


General Info

  1. Name: Rename your Display Group.
  2. Tags: Assign tags to help filter and manage your Display Groups. Visit this guide for more information about tagging Display Groups.
  3. Address: Edit the physical address for your Display Group
  4. Region: Assign your Display Group to a region. Visit this guide for more details about using regions.
  5. Description: Add a short description so you can identify the Display Group later.
  6. Photo: Upload a photo of your Display Group so you can tell at a glance which settings you are configuring.
  7. Custom Parameters: Enable and configure Display Group parameters to use with connected API data in the Templates app. Visit this guide for more details.



  1. Language: Set your display language
  2. Orientation: Choose landscape or portrait orientation
  3. Time Zone: Set your display time zone
  4. Sound: Enable sound for videos
  5. Transitions: Choose your transition type to customize a seamless experience between app content
  6. Notifications: Choose which notifications should appear in the bottom-right of your display
  7. Change Defaults: Follow the link to change your account default settings
  8. Restore Defaults: Reset the Display Group to your account default settings 


User Access

From the User Access tab, you can quickly see which users have access to the selected Display Group. From this page, you can click on the user's name to access their profile and edit their user settings or roles

If you have many users, use the search box to filter the results list.



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