The Enplug Templates app provides pre-configured templates for building simple, fast, and attractive signs. Link data spreadsheets or create your own templates through a simple setup process.
Watch this quick video to learn how to customize a dynamic template!
Contents of this guide:
Accessing Templates App
1. Add Templates App to your dynamic app playlist
Click on “Apps” > “More Apps”
Select “Templates”
2. Create a sign
Click the blue "Add Sign" button
Using a Template
You can view all of our preconfigured sign templates. To find a template that will best fit your purpose, use the filters on the left menu to narrow down the results list, search by key terms, and sort by screen orientation, category, and creation date. Each template is 100% customizable so you can add, edit, or remove text, images, backgrounds, etc., once adding it to your sign canvas.
1. Select a template
Note: When you open a template and there are multiple preview pages, as shown below, it is a dynamic template ready for data import. For more information on this process, visit our Templates App - Dynamic Images and Custom Triggers article.
2. Name the sign
3. Now you can edit the template using the tools on the element menu, or link data under the data tab to customize content.
Visit our Templates App - Dynamic Images and Custom Triggers article for more information about linking data to your template.
Creating a Template
You can also make your own template, using the blank canvas option.
1. Click the "+" symbol to add a blank canvas
2. Name the sign
3. Change the background color(s) and style
4. Follow the steps in the next section to add content to your sign, or link data to import or
Visit our Templates App - Dynamic Images and Custom Triggers guide for more information about linking data to your template.
Adding Content
You are ready to add content to your template! There are multiple media types to help you build your template on the canvas. They are text, countdown/up timer, date, shape, and images.
1. Click "Text" to add words. You can customize the color, size, and font
- If the 'Text" content is longer than the Template, you can enable Auto Scroll Mode (scrolling speeds will vary automatically depending on amount of text.
2. Click "Countdown/up" to add a timer. The count-up timer can be used as a "days since" timer
- Select the "Display" tab to turn off/on time interval
- Select the "Format" tab to change the date/time format
- Select "Date" tab to set the date and time
3. Click "Date" to add a date. Choose from various date/time formats
4. Click "Shape" to add shapes. You can customize fill and outline colors
5. Click "Image" to upload images from your computer, browser, Dropbox, Box, OneDrive, or Google Photos
File Types: Images should be .JPEG, .PNG, or .GIF
6. Click "Image Placeholder" to add images linked to triggered content via a data spreadsheet. For more details about using the dynamic image placement option, please visit our Templates App - Dynamic Images & Custom Triggers guide.
File Types: Images should be .JPEG, .PNG, or .GIF
7. Click "List View" to create custom-defined lists linked to imported data. For more information about this feature, check out our Templates App - List View guide.
8. Click "Donut" to create a Doughnut Graph into the template. The Doughnut Graph can have its percentage added manually or linked to Data from your template.
Canvas Tools & Shortcuts
You can move, scale and rotate elements you have placed on the canvas.
1. Select the element you want to adjust
2. Hover your mouse over the selected element to use these tools
- Rotate
- Move
- Resize
3. Use these shortcuts to help refine your material:
- Lock precise degrees: Press "Shift" while rotating
- Move components: Use arrow keys
- Multi-select items: Hold "Shift/Ctrl/Cmd" while selecting items
- Bold text: Ctrl/Cmd + b
- Italicize text: Ctrl/Cmd + i
- Save: Ctrl/Cmd + s
- Copy: Ctrl/Cmd + c
- Cut: Ctrl/Cmd + x
- Paste: Ctrl/Cmd + v
- Undo: Ctrl/Cmd + z
- Redo: Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + z
- Cancel element selection: Esc