The Enplug Content Approval feature allows users to submit newly created content to designated administrators for approval. This simple workflow allows administrators to provide feedback to creators and ensure all content is appropriate before it appears on the screen.
Contact your Account Manager if you are interested in adding this feature to your account.
Contents of this guide
How to Access Content Approval
Set Up Content Approval Alerts
User Steps: Submit Content for Approval
Administrator Steps: Approving Content
Set Up Content Approval
Once Content Approval is enabled on your account, the Enplug User Roles feature will also be enabled and needs to be set up. Assign the "Content Publishing" permission to your content administrators during the user roles creation process. This permission allows administrators to approve content submitted by standard users.
How to Access Content Approval
There are 2 ways to access Content Approval from the Enplug Home Page.
1. From anywhere on the Dashboard, return to the home page by selecting the Enplug logo in the top left corner.
2. Select "Content Approval" under Account.
3. Or, add the Content Approval Widget to your home page.
- Click the "Edit Widgets" button
- Click "Add Widget" > "Content Approval"
- Click the "Save" button
- Now you can view a summary of Content Approval tasks from the widget. Click on the widget to open the Content Approval dashboard
Set Up Content Approval Alerts
Set your user account to receive email notifications for Content Approval updates.
1. In the top left corner, click the dropdown menu > "User Settings".
2. Select the Notifications tab.
3. Check the Notify me with content approval updates box.
4. Click the "Update" button to apply the change.
User Steps: Submit Content for Approval
When a user creates, uploads, or changes content and selects "Save" to apply these changes, it will automatically be sent to the Content Approval App for any User with Administrator access to review and approve such content.
1. For our example, the user has created and saved a new sign in the Templates app, where they are prompted to select the desired Display Group(s) for their content. Then, the user selects "Save Changes" to apply to the selected Display Group(s).
2. The Content Submitted for Approval message will appear, confirming that the content administrator must approve the content before it appears on your displays.
3. Select "Done" and you will be redirected to the Content Approval app.
4. All changes pending approval on the account will appear in the Pending Tab. Here you can also cancel your requests or preview the requested content.
5. On the Request Changes tab, a rejected request will be associated with a message about the necessary changes. Click on the content name to open and modify this content to make the necessary changes. Once you make and save the changes, the request will be sent back to Pending status for the administrator to review.
6. On the Approved tab, you will see a history of approved content. Once the content is approved it will automatically be shown on the assigned display.
Administrator Steps: Approving Content
After a user submits content for approval it will appear in the Content Approval app for administrator action to approve or deny the request.
1. On the Pending tab, you can reject or approve a request.
2. For a better view of the content, select "Preview".
3. In the Preview window, you can also approve or deny a request.
4. If you choose to Deny the request, enter a message to let the user know why the request was denied, then click "Send". The request will move to the Request Changes tab for user action.
5. If you Approve the request, the request will move to the Approved tab and be added to the display.
Additional Information
- Content Approval triggers for newly uploaded content, created content, edited content.
- Content Approval does not trigger for assigning/unassigning content to Display Group(s), deleting content, updating tags, changing scheduling settings.
- The Zoning app is the only app not supported for Content Approval. An alternative is to limit user access to the Zoning app in the permissions. Check out this guide for more information.