To manage your Enplug account effectively, you may need to add other users to help manage the content for different locations.
We offer an advanced "User Roles" feature that allows you to group users by roles for streamlined management. Check out our User Roles article for more information.
Contents of this guide:
Display Group Permissions Description
Account Permissions Description
Accessing User Settings
When you log into your Enplug account you will be on the account home page, shown below. If you need to return to this page, click the Enplug logo in the top left corner of the dashboard.
- Click on "Settings" button on the bottom left
Create a User
- To start creating a new user, select the "Add a person" button
- Enter the user's First Name, Last Name, Email, and Language
- When creating a new user, they will have access to all Display Groups by default. If you would like to limit Display Group access, click the "Grant user access to specific Display Groups" radio button, then assign them the appropriate Display Groups
- By default, new users will have no access to Display Group or Account level permissions, so they are unable to edit or manage content. Assign the permissions as needed. Continue on in this article for an explanation of each of the Display Group and Account permissions. At least one of the following needs to be selected in order to save the user:
- Finally, select "Save" to create the user. They will receive a welcome email with instructions to set their password
Display Group Permissions Description
- Apps: Add, delete, and edit content in apps.
- When enabled, all apps may be accessed by the user, by default
- Check the "Limit Access to specific Apps" box to manage app access
- Select the "Apps" button to add or remove apps for the user
- Display Group Settings: View and edit venue settings, operating hours, app frequency, and proof of play
- Device Setup & Removal: Add, delete, rename, and move devices
- Device Monitoring: View and edit device settings, monitoring, and commands. Configure device-related user alerts
Account Permissions Description
- Display Group Setup & Removal: Add, delete, rename and copy Display Groups. Add and remove Display Group tags. Assign a region to a Display Group
- Users: Create, edit, and delete users and user permissions
- Security: Manage single sign-on and password policy
- Billing: Update and upgrade payment method. View payment history and invoices. Cancel account
- Custom Development: Create and delete apps