Creating New Accounts in your Network


Before reading this article, make sure you check out the explanation of Network accounts and how they're structured, as detailed in the Network Structure guide.

To give a brief overview, as a Network client, you have multiple levels of screens: Accounts and Display Groups. Accounts contain Display Groups; content cannot be shared across Display Groups that are in different Accounts. Separate Accounts are best used for different clients that you have as a reseller.


Create Accounts

Ready to create a new Account within your Network? Follow these simple steps:

1. Select the Accounts dropdown at the top of the screen.


2. Click the "Add Account" button.


3. Name the Account and choose the appropriate Timezone.


4. Click "Save".


5. You'll be given the option to add users to the Account, add additional Accounts, or view the Account Overview page. You're also ready to add Display Groups to your account.


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