Using Enplug on BrightSign Players


Enplug and BrightSign have teamed up to bring you Enpug software on the network management platform. With this new integration, all users have to do to access our award-winning software is to select Enplug’s platform via the drop-down list of CMS providers within the user interface during player set-up. 


Contents of this guide


Create Device Setup Package

Apply Package to Device

Provision the Hardware

Activate Device on Enplug



1. A BrightSign Control Cloud account. This is a free service provided with BrightSign hardware that allows you to provision Enplug's software directly to a supported device. When creating a Brightsign cloud account it is recommended that a neutral email address not tied to an employee be used

2. A supported BrightSign device: XT1143XT1144, XT243, and XT244 

Note: These are the only supported models. Other models such as the HD series are not supported.

3. Install the Enplug software package into the BrightSign player. This can be done either by Using an SD Card or by Creating a Device Setup Package.


Create Device Setup Package

Create a software package to deploy to your devices. This process only has to be done once to create your Enplug software package. Once it is created, apply to your devices any time with the Apply Package to Device steps below

1. Log into the BrightSign Control Cloud

2. Select "Admin""Device Setup"


3. Name the Package

4. Select "Partner Application" radio button

5. From the dropdown, select ENPLUG

6. Click the Add Setup File to Library button


For Wireless Integration

1. Click “Include Network Configuration” and select Network Options

2. On the Network Options pop up, select the Wireless tab, check the box to Enable Wireless Networking, then enter the SSID & Wifi Password, then click Done.

3. Reselect the Network Options button, then sort the Interface Priority options to have WiFi as the top priority, then click Done.

4. Click the Add Setup File to Library button


Apply Package to Device

1. Select "Admin" > "Device Provisioning" 


2. Select "Add Device"


3. Enter the Serial Number of the device(s) you are provisioning and select "Add Device"


4. Check the box to select the device(s) in the provisioning list


5. Click "Apply Setup"


6. Choose your Enplug Package from the drop-down list and select "Apply Setup" 



Provision the Hardware

1. Connect HDMI from screen to player

2. Connect the player to Ethernet

3. Connect the power supply 

4. Insert a blank SD card

5. Your player will now power on and go through several setup and reboot cycles.  When it has finished, the Enplug activation process will begin


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