This article details how to use the Menu Board app in Enplug. The Menu Board app allows you to create and display menu boards featuring your products and information.
Contents |
Accessing Menu Board
- Select the Menu Board application from the Apps dropdown in the Enplug dashboard.
Adding Items To The Product Library
- After opening the Menu Board, click Product Library.
- From here, you can add new product items and view previously added items.
Importing Products In Bulk
To import products in bulk:
- Click Import Products to import in bulk to the Product Library using CSV format.
- Use this CSV template to format your product items accordingly.
- Click Upload Spreadsheet.
- Click on Add New File and upload your spreadsheet.
- If your spreadsheet is successfully uploaded, you’ll receive a notice confirming the upload.
- If there’s an error in the spreadsheet upload, you will be able to download a .csv file to review the error logs.
- Commas can't be used in any fields. This will create and error and the import will not be successful.
- Additional fields can be added by using the ProductFields column covered below.
- Don't make any changes or additions to the column headers as this won't result in a new field.
- Not following the format of the template will create an error in uploading.
Template Fields:
Tags: This is for any item menu tags.
Example: tag1-tag2-tag3
Note: Multiple tags must be separated by dashes.
- ProductId: This is for the product identification code.
- Enabled: Type TRUE in this field to enable the product, FALSE to disable the product.
- Name: This is for the product name.
- Description: This is a description of the product.
- Category: This is for the category of the product.
- SubCategory: If applicable, this is for the product's subcategory.
- Calories: This is for the calories in the product.
- Price: This is for the price of the product.
- Currency: Type USD, CAD, or MXN in this field to match the desired currency.
- Tax: This is for the product's tax amount.
- DisplayTotal: Type TRUE in this field to display the total with tax, FALSE to display only the price.
- RegionName: If applicable, this is for the region name.
- GlutenFree: Type TRUE in this field to check the item as Gluten Free, FALSE to leave unchecked.
- Vegetarian: Type TRUE in this field to check the item as Vegetarian, FALSE to leave unchecked.
- Egg: Type TRUE in this field to check the item as containing egg, FALSE to leave unchecked.
- Vegan: Type TRUE in this field to check the item as Vegan, FALSE to leave unchecked.
- SoyFree: Type TRUE in this field to check the item as containing soy, FALSE to leave unchecked.
- Dairy: Type TRUE in this field to check the item as containing dairy, FALSE to leave unchecked.
- Notes: This is for any additional product notes.
ProductFields: This is for any additional fields.
Example: name:name1_value:value1;name:name2_value:value2 would create these fields:
ProductAttributes: This is for any additional attributes.
Example: name:name1_value:TRUE;name:name2_value:FALSE would create these attributes:
Note: Any fields entered into ProductFields or ProductAttributes must be separated by semicolons.
Common Error Logs
Current line doesn't have expected number of columns: {line}
- This means that the number of headers are different from values of line. It can also indicate that a comma was used in a field.
Delete any extra columns or commas and re-upload.
Name must not be empty :{line}
Property Name is null or empty.
Missing product account ID, product name or product details, Error processing item: {line}
Some required properties are null or empty (ProductId, Name, Price, etc.).
Error processing item: {line} --> Error: {Message}
Error in processing the values of the line (possible wrong format, parsing, etc.). Error details will be described in the message.
Error processing file: {Message}
Error in processing the file. Error details will be described in the message.
A write operation resulted in an error. WriteError: { Category : "Uncategorized", Code : 2, Message : "" }
- Error in processing ProductFields and/or ProductAttributes. This could indicate incorrect formatting.
Note: If you’re having trouble uploading additional fields or attributes when editing your file in Excel, make sure it's saved in the CSV UTF-8 format pictured below.
Adding Single Products
- Click Add New Product to add a single new product item.
- On the New Product page, you'll fill in the details of your product.
- All of the fields are optional and any non-applicable fields can be left blank.
- Click Save to add the item to your Product Library.
Product Fields:
- Product ID: This is for the product identification code.
- Product Name: This is for the product name.
- Description: This is a description of the product.
- Category: This is for the category of the product.
- Sub-category: This is for the product's subcategory.
- Region: This is for the region the product is available in. Regions must be configured in order to use this field.
- Currency: Type USD, CAD, or MXN in this field to match the desired currency.
- Tax: This is for the product's tax amount.
- Price: This is for the price of the product.
- Display Price / Tax: If selected, this will display the total with tax.
- Calories: This is for the calories in the product.
- Add New Field: This allows for additional fields to be added. In the screenshot above, Side Dishes has been added.
- Add Image: You may upload or choose a stock image for the product.
- Attributes: This is for any applicable attributes.
- Add Attribute: This allows for additional attributes to be added. In the screenshot above, House Special has been added.
- Usage: This will show which menus are using the particular product item.
- Notes: This allows notes to be entered for the product item.
Creating Menu Boards
- After saving a product item, click Back to Menus to go to the Menu Board page.
- Click on Add New Menu to create a menu board or select a template from the Templates tab.
- This will take you to the Menu Board canvas.
- Use the Menu Bar Tools to create your menu:
Menu Bar Tools — Top
- New Menu: Enter a name for your menu board.
- - Zoom Out: Zooms out of the canvas view.
- 100%: Allows for numerical entry of zoom percentage.
- + Zoom In: Zooms into the canvas view.
- Add Products (notebook icon): Use to import products from the Product Library.
- Add Image (folder icon): Use to add a photo to the canvas.
- Add Video (media icon): Use to add a video to the canvas.
- Add Text (text icon): Use to add a text box to the canvas.
- Add Shape (shape icon): Use to add a selected shape to the canvas.
- Undo (left arrow): This undoes the most recent action.
- Redo (right arrow): This redoes the most recent action.
- Force Refresh Product Data (refresh icon): This refreshes product data from the Product Library.
Menu Bar Tools — Right Side (Canvas Dropdown)
- Size: Choose Landscape, Portrait, or enter a custom ratio.
- Tags: Use to add any desired tags.
- Grid: Check this box to turn the canvas grid on/off.
- Products rotation time: Use to select the time interval between product rotations.
Menu Bar Tools — Right Side (Properties Dropdown)
When no items are selected on the canvas, the following options are available:
Background: Use to select the background type and color(s).
When an item is selected on the canvas, the following options are available:
- Layer: Use to move an item's layer up or down.
- Rotate Product: When multiple products are added to your menu, you will use this to choose which products to rotate on-screen.
- You can adjust the order of rotation by dragging-and-dropping.
- Only the first item in the list will be shown on the canvas, but the others will be viewable in Preview.
- Rotating products will follow the Products rotation time set in the Canvas dropdown.
When text is selected on the canvas, the following options are available:
- Font Family: Use to select font. (Contact support if you're wanting to use a custom font)
- Size: Use to adjust font size.
- Color: Use to select a color from the provided range or type in the hex code (#ffffff).
- Styles: Use to apply Bold or Italic formatting.
Note: Styles can be applied to multiple text elements simultaneously. Hold the shift key, click the desired text elements, and select the styling option.
- Paragraph: Use to align text to the left, center, or right.
- Align: Use to algin text within the bounding box to the top, middle, or bottom.
- : Use to adjust the amount of space between lines of text.
- : Use to adjust the amount of space between letters.
- : Use to adjust the space between words.
- Capitalization: Select lowercase, UPPERCASE, or Start Case (Capitalizes Every Word).
When a list of products are selected on the canvas, following options are available:
- Linked Products: This displays a list of products that have been added
Note: Products can rearranged by dragging-and-dropping.
Layout Flow:
- This will display products in columns.
- This will display products in rows.
- Use to adjust space between columns.
- Use to adjust space between rows.
Menu Bar Tools — Right Side (Layers Dropdown)
This dropdown will show all of the layers on the canvas. It's also where you can lock, duplicate, hide, or delete layers.
Using Templates
Saving a Template to My Menus
Under the Templates tab, you'll find all available templates for your account.
Note: If additional templates are desired, reach out to Spectrio Support for assistance.
- From Templates, you can preview and select a template for your menu board.
- To save your template in My Menus, make any desired updates, enter a template name, and click Save.
Editing a Saved Template
- Templates saved to My Menus can be edited.
- As seen in the example below, each template has placeholder products.
- To use the formatting of the template, replace the placeholder products (Classic Single in the example) with an item from your product library.
To do so:
- Click Replace product (replace icon).
- Select the replacement item from your Product Library.
- The selected item will retain formatting while replacing the placeholder.
Importing a CSV file to the Product Library
To import a CSV file into your Product Library:
- Click Import Products on the Product Library page.
- From My Uploads, click Download Template. The template will then save to your downloads folder.
- Locate the template in your Downloads folder.
- Open with Excel. (If using Google Sheets, see instructions below)
- Open the template and fill in product details.
- Save the spreadsheet, confirming the format is CSV UTF-8.
- From My Uploads, click Upload New file, then Upload Spreadsheet.
- Select your saved spreadsheet. It will appear last in the list of My Uploads.
- The items from your upload will now be available in the Product Library.
Importing a CSV file using Google Sheets
To import a CSV file using Google Sheets:
- Follow steps 1 and 2 from above, then locate the template in your Downloads folder.
- Log into Google Drive. If you don't have an account, you can create one by clicking Create account.
- Drag-and-drop the template file onto your Drive homepage. You'll see a confirmation message once it's been uploaded.
- Open the uploaded file from the bottom-right corner.
- Click Open with, then select Google Sheets.
- Fill in product details.
- When completed, open the File dropdown. Select Download, then Comma Separated Value (.csv).
- The completed file will now be available in your Downloads folder.
- Follow steps 7-9 from above to upload.
Adding Additional Fields Using the ProductFields Column
To add additional fields into a menu board using the ProductFields column:
Note: These steps apply to both Excel and Google Sheets.
- Open the template and navigate to the O column, ProductFields.
- Use the format below to add as many unique fields to your menu board as desired.
- Name1: The title of the field.
- Value1: The data to be shown in the field (text or number).
- Name2: The title of the next field.
- Value2: The data to be shown in the field (text or number).
Example: name:name1_value:value1;name:name2_value:value2 creates the following fields:
Example: name:Grande Price_value:5;name:Venti Price_value:6.25
Example: name:Grande Price_value:5;name:Venti Price_value:6.25;name:Grande Calories_value:50;name:Venti Calories_value:100
Formatting Pricing Data
When products are added as a list to a menu board, the formatting applied to the first item will apply to all items listed.
Using the example above, here's how to ensure elements don’t overlap:
- Size the bounding box around each element to fit the longest text (5, 10.99, etc.)
- Ensure the bounding box fits the width of 10.99.
- If character length varies by product, align to the left so each entry starts from the same point.
Example: 5 is aligned to the left and the bounding box will fit the width of 10.99.