Teams App


The Microsoft Teams app allows you to display a live feed of Teams channel messages on your screens.


Contents of this guide

Requesting Access to Teams

Teams Administrator Approval

Connect your MS Teams Workspace

Manage Posts


Requesting Access to Teams

1. Add the Teams app to your dynamic app playlist:

      • Click on "Apps" > "All Apps".
      • Select "Teams".

2. Your Microsoft Teams Administrator must configure Enplug access to your Microsoft Account. Click the small blue link option.


3. That will reveal a link that needs to be sent to your organization's Microsoft Teams Administrator. Click "Copy" and send the link to your administrator. 


4. Your administrator must complete the next step to approve your request. Once the account has approval, you can skip to the final steps to Connect your MS Teams Workspace.


Teams Administrator Approval

1. Open the link provided in the steps above.

2. Sign in with your Microsoft username and password. 

3. Review and Accept the permissions.

4. Toggle on the Enable button to enable MS Teams to be used with Enplug.


5. Click the Dashboard button to return to the dashboard and connect the workspace, or allow users in your organization to complete the setup with the steps below.



Connect your MS Teams Workspace

1. Click the "Connect your MS Teams Workspace" button.


2. Log in with your Microsoft username and password. 

3. Review and accept the permissions.

4. Add the Teams app to your Display Group(s):

      • Check the plus sign next to the Display Group(s) to which you want to deploy the app.
      • Click Save Changes to finish adding the app to your Display Group(s) and advance to the next step.


5. Select a Team from the dropdown menu.


6. Name your feed.


7. Select Settings to turn the pre-approval option on or off and change the profanity filter.


8. Add channels to import messages to your feed:

      • Type the channel name(s) in the Add Channels section.mceclip12.png
      • To browse all the channels in your workplace, select the See all channels button. A new search window will appear. Filter results by typing the beginning of the channel name in the search box. Scroll to view channel names.
      • To choose a channel from the search window, check the plus sign. Click Save to add the channel to your feed.mceclip13.png

Note: You may only add public channels, not private channels or direct messages.

9. Manage the appearance of your Teams app display:

      • Adjust image formatting.mceclip5.png
      • Change the theme and colors.mceclip0.png

10. Select "Save" to apply your changes. Congratulations, you have completed the setup for the Teams app! 


Manage Posts

1. If you want to view and manage the posts added to your screen, select the "Manage Posts" button from the Teams App List View


or click the "Manage Posts" button from the feed setup page


2. Here you can:

a. Approve posts requiring approval

b. Delete posts

c. Favorite posts


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