Enplug’s Slack App allows you to display a live feed of Slack channel messages on your screens. Push content directly from the Slack interface or automatically pull messages from public Slack channels.
Contents of this guide:
Adding content to the Slack app
Setting Up the Slack app
To set up Slack on your Enplug account, first, ensure you are logged into your Slack account on your browser, then follow these steps:
1. Add the Slack app to your dynamic app playlist
- Click on "Apps" > "All Apps"
- Select "Slack"
2. Authorize Enplug to access your Slack Team Workspace
- Click on “Connect Your Slack Team Workspace”
- Select “Allow”
3. Add the Slack app to your Display Group(s)
- Check the plus sign next to the Display Group(s) to which you want to deploy the app
- Click “Save Changes” to finish adding the app to your Display Group(s) and advance to the next step
Adding Content to the Slack app
Once you have authorized Enplug to access your Slack workspace and added the app to your display group(s), you will need to choose what content to display.
1. Give your content feed a name
2. Select “Settings” to turn the pre-approval option on or off and change the profanity filter
3. Add channels to import posts to your feed
- Type the channel name(s) in the Add Channels section
- To browse all the channels in your workplace, select the “See all” button. A new search window will appear. Filter results by typing the beginning of the channel name in the search box. Scroll to view channel names.
- To choose a channel from the search window, check the plus sign. Click “Select” to add the channel to your feed.
Note: You may only add public channels, not private channels or direct messages.
4. Manage who can post messages to your feed
- Below the Add Channels list, you will see a toggle button with the option to “Allow Slack Team Workspace users to post any message to this feed.” When this option is turned on, other users can post messages to the Slack feed from their private messages and other public channels.
5. Manage the appearance of your Slack app display
- Adjust image formatting
- Change the theme and colors
Congratulations, you have completed the setup for the Slack app!
Tips on Using the Slack app
- Types of media that can be displayed from the Slack App include images, videos, text, emojis, and web links (with content previews).
- Slack channels must be public in order to be shared to a feed. Private channels and conversations cannot be added.
- 3rd party app posts with a content preview will not post to your Slack feed.
- For more information on using the Slack app, visit our User Guide to Slack.