News App


Enplug's News app allows you to show news from popular outlets and industry websites, as well as your own RSS feeds.


Contents of this guide

Accessing the App

Adding a feed from the Enplug library

Adding a custom feed

Styling your feed

Tips for Finding an RSS Feed URL


Accessing the App

Add the News app to your dynamic app playlist

  • Click on “Apps” > “All Apps”

  • Select “News”


Adding a Feed From the Enplug Library

1. Click the "Popular Feeds" button to view the list of preconfigured news feeds


2. Click the plus symbol next to the name of the feed you would like to add to your screen


3. Select the display group(s) to which to apply the feed and click "Save Changes"

4. Follow the steps below to customize or style the feed


Adding a Custom Feed

Many organizations besides the ones in our library publish RSS feeds. You can use feeds from any source, but please be aware some content publishers will have terms and conditions that you must agree to follow.

1. Click the "Add Custom Feed" button


2. On the top line paste the URL of the feed

3. Click the "Test Feed" button to make sure you have entered a valid feed

4. Give the feed a title description

5. Check the Show Feed Title box if you wish for the title to appear on your screen

6. You also have an option to show the date the article was published

7. The Show Only Feed Posts From Last ___ days feature allows you to make sure the news on your screen is always fresh. News older than the input day will be removed from the rotation

8. RSS feeds are usually accompanied by a full news article. You can choose to show the URL for the full story or not. To make it convenient for mobile users you can choose to show a QR code on the screen

9. Select a layout for posts with images

10. Click the "Save Feed" button to create your feed


11. Select the display group(s) to which to apply the feed and click "Save Changes"


Styling Your Feed

You can apply Enplug's default color themes, or you can make your own by clicking the plus symbol under Custom Themes.



Tips for Finding an RSS feed URL

  • To find a valid RSS feed URL, look for the RSS symbol blobid0.jpg or a link labeled Subscribe or Feed
  • RSS links are often placed at the very bottom or top of a page, and sometimes end with ".xml"
  • If you're having trouble finding the RSS URL for a blog/site you wish to add, try searching for keywords Subscribe or Feed on the page with Ctrl+F or ⌘F 
  • Try adding /feed/ or /rss/ to the end of a blog's URL. This works for many common blog-hosting sites like Wordpress



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