The Single Sign-On feature is an authentication service that uses the SAML 2.0 protocol to permit a user to use one set of login credentials (e.g., email and password) to access multiple applications. Examples of popular Single Sign-On providers include OneLogin, Okta, and Shibboleth.
Contents of this guide
Enable Single Sign-On from Dashboard
Enplug SAML metadata
Use these values to set up the Enplug app on the Identity Provider's side:
- Single Sign-On URL (Assertion Consumer Service): https://saml.enplug.com/sam
l/assertioncontrolservice/ - Audience URL (Entity ID): https://saml.enplug.com
- NameID Format: Email
Enable Single Sign-On from Dashboard
1. Once logged onto the Enplug Dashboard, click on the "Settings" button and click "General".
2. Select the Single Sign-On tab.
3. Click the "Enable Single Sign-On" button.
4. You will need the Single Sign-On information from your identity provider to complete this section. The URL provided must be unique when setting up this feature. You cannot have the same URL for multiple accounts.
5. Select "Enable" once the settings are complete.
6. Once enabled, the Admin has the option to "Disable Single Sign-On" or "Edit" the information from the Single Sign-On tab.
Administrator Dashboard Login
1. Once SSO is enabled, by default, all users besides Administrators with the Security user permission must use their SSO provider to sign in. The Security Administrators can enable password sign-in for another user by selecting Password Sign In in the User Settings.
2. When logging into the dashboard, the Admin can click on "Admin Sign-In" which will allow them to bypass the SSO provider.
Additional Information
If you create a user when SSO is enabled, they will not receive an email to create a password, as they will be required to use their SSO provider to sign in. If SSO is disabled at a later time, they will automatically receive the email to set up their password.