Traffic App

Enplug | Traffic App | Users Guide
This guide contains instructions on using the Traffic app in Enplug.


traffic app icon.png


This app is great for all kinds of use cases. Whether you're using Enplug for internal communications or would like to let your customers or visitors know what the traffic is like out there, the Traffic App is the way to go. 


Getting Started


Click Apps / Traffic, then click the Add a Version button to create a new Traffic entry. Type in the Title of the map, for example the region or location name.



To display the title of the map, turn on the show title in app toggle button and stylize the Title text, color and position.


Map Layout


Under Map Layout Options, choose the format and placement of Traffic App display:

  • Full window: This shows one location, which can be zoomed in or out as you'd like.
  • Right-half and left-half: This allows for a split map, with the right and left half of the screen split between 2 different locations of your choice.
  • Left-top / Right-top and full window: This adds a cutout for a different location in the upper left or right hand corner of the map.
  • Left-bottom / Right-bottom and full window: This adds a cutout for a different location in the lower left or right hand corner of the map.



Next, turn on the Show Static Map toggle button if it is not enabled already. 



The Traffic App can display location Markers for different community places on the map, for example Hospitals, Police stations, Fire stations, & Schools. Once enabled, a corresponding marker will display on the chosen map.





Location Selection


Now it is time to select your location on the map. Type your desired city into the Enter a location box on the upper left corner and select the region that you'd like to display.

Zoom in or out using the +/- buttons in the lower right corner, or your mouse scroll wheel.



Once the map is formatted, press Save on the upper right corner to save the Traffic App layout and deploy to your screens. Select the display(s) on the pop up window and then click Save Changes.



If any assistance is needed within the Traffic App, or to submit app feedback and suggestions, please contact Enplug Support at

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