Configuring Network Restrictions

We've seen Enplug used in many ways, including but not limited to convention centers, offices, stadiums, and shopping malls, so we know internet can sometimes be difficult to work with.

If your location uses IT security systems known as firewalls for network security, the Enplug device's full functionality may be impaired. For full software functionality, your firewall settings must be configured to allow certain types of data traffic.

This article will equip you with all the information needed to bypass any firewall hurdles.

Which ports does the Enplug device access?

Contact your IT team and let them know that the Enplug software requires unrestricted outbound Internet access on the following ports:

  1. 443 (HTTPS)
  2. 80 (HTTP, optional): This port is not necessary for device functionality, but if you are running the Webpage app you may need to enable outbound access on this port as well. We recommend only putting content in that supports HTTPS, as Google will be disallowing port 80 in the future.
  3. 123 (UDP)
  4. 8001: This port is for our forward proxy This is only necessary for devices using the Web Page App.

If they confirm these ports are open, you're good to go! Check out this article for instructions on connecting the device to the internet.

How do I allow my device to access these ports?

If certain ports are blocked and access needs to be given to the Enplug device, your IT team will need to know the device's MAC address. Please refer to this article for instructions on obtaining the MAC address.

Equipped with your Enplug device's MAC address and the above list of ports that need to be opened, your IT team should be able to allow network access to the device.

Just in case, we highly recommend sharing this help article with your IT team.

IT Administrators, check out this tip: If you are not able to pull the MAC address from the device, Enplug devices will show up in your router table with the following combination of hostnames: (ie. android-"16 digit number") Examples:

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