Embed an Enplug Content URL to show live Enplug content right from your SharePoint site!
Note: Every active instance of this URL on the Sharepoint site will require a license. If you have no available licenses on your account, you will not be able to view the content.
Contents of this guide
Set SharePoint Permissions
Before embedding the Content URL in SharePoint, you must allow player.enplug.com to be embedded in your site.
1. Open SharePoint
2. Select "Site Contents" > "Site Settings"
3. Under Site Collection Administration, select "HTML Field Security"
4. In the field under Allow iframes from this domain, type "player.enplug.com"
5. Select "Add"
6. Click "OK"
Embed Content URL
Now that your SharePoint permissions setup is complete and you're ready to embed the Content URL.
1. On your SharePoint site, select "Edit" in the upper right corner
2. Click the + button to add a new widget
3. Select "Embed"
4. Select "Add embed code"
5. Input the following code in the new window that appears on the right of the screen:
<iframe src="Content_url_goes_here" style="width:100%; height:100%"></iframe>
6. Replace the "Content_url_goes_here" text with the full Content URL from your display group. If you need help finding the URL follow these instructions
8. Select "Republish" to submit changes
9. Congratulations, you can now view the Content URL in the new widget on your SharePoint site!