The Meeting Room feature allows for displaying Office 365 calendar events associated with meeting rooms through the Calendar App.
Contents of this guide
Requesting Access to Meeting Room
Office 356 Administrator Meeting Room Approval
Adding Meeting Room to Calendar App
Requesting Access to Meeting Room
You must request access to an Office 356 Meeting Room Calendar via the Enplug Dashboard. In the Setting Up Your Account step of the Calendar App, click the small blue link option under Sign In with your Office Account.
That will reveal a link that needs to be sent to your organization's Office 365 Administrator. Click on Copy and email the link to your administrator.
Your administrator must complete the next step to approve your request. Once the account has approval, you can skip to the final step to Add the Meeting Room to your Calendar App.
Office 356 Administrator Meeting Room Approval
Open the link sent by the user requesting access to use an Office 356 Meeting Room Calendar. Select the meeting rooms you are allowing Calendar App to access, then click Add.
You will be given an option to Cancel or Confirm your selection. Click Confirm to save. The user can now complete their setup steps from the Enplug Dashboard.
Adding Meeting Room to Calendar App
Back on the Calendar Setup window, you will now see an option for Available Meeting Rooms. Click that link.
The next page will display the available Meeting Rooms. Click the radio button to the right side of the meeting room to activate it. Click Save to keep your changes.