Adding a Pinterest board to your Enplug Display

With News for Enplug, you can easily display a Pinterest board on your Enplug-powered HD display. Import fresh new pins from any public Pinterest board by using the board's RSS URL. Follow these steps to add a Pinterest board to your Enplug display.

1. Choose a Pinterest board and copy the full URL

  • I chose a board created by our friends at Goodwill Easter Seals, who use Pinterest to promote new, fashionable buys for sale inside their boutique thrift stores.
  • The URL of the board is 
  • Copy the complete URL, including "http://"

2. Add your Pinterest feed to the News app

  1. Using the Apps dropdown, choose the News app.
  2. Paste the copied URL in the URL field.
  3. Important: Add .rss to the end of the Pinterest URL. It should look like:
  4. Click the Test Feed URL button to make sure this feed is valid.
  5. Title the feed as you'd like. 
  6. Choose colors for the background and text. You may also add an image to the banner.
  7. Preview your feed's look and feel.
  8. Click the Save Feed button in the upper right hand corner.

You're done! Within a minute or two, your Enplug display will begin showing a live, self-updating feed of your favorite pins!

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