The Device Details section allows users to enable 4k and 8k content as well as configure Webapp & WebView options to display pages using the Web Page App.
Native Webapp: When this option is turned on, web pages open in a new view independent of the Player. It is useful for loading pages that have security restrictions in the CSP (Content Security Policy) to be embedded in an iframe.
When this option is disabled, the web page loads embedded in the Player in an iframe. This option also can be used in conjunction with the Zoning app or when it is required to inject a script into the web page (Login, complete form).
Enable 4K Content: This option allows the device to play content in the best quality available from the uploaded asset. Storing resources in 4K makes high use of space on the device and more time to download. Only applies for now to Nvidia devices.
Enable 8k Content: This option is only available for Windows device. When trying to activate this toggle for an Android device it will show an error message.
Use WebView: It is recommended to have this option active as it allows the device to use the Android device's webview. This option is enabled by default when an Nvidia device is enrolled. When disabled, the option will use a webview built into the Player that is based on the chromium 51 version, typically used for legacy Enplug devices.