Change Your Dashboard Language


The Enplug Dashboard is preset with a number of different language translations. If you wish to view the dashboard in another language, translate it using Google Chrome. 


Contents of this guide

Change Your Dashboard Language

Translate Using Google Chrome


Change Your Dashboard Langauge

Simply change your user preferences to one of the supported languages:



Translate Using Google Chrome

If you prefer to view the Enplug Dashboard in another language than listed above, you can do so by using the Translate function in Google Chrome.

  1. Anywhere on the Enplug Website, right click and select "Translate to English"
  2. If you wish to choose any other language other than English, click on the "3 Dots", press Choose another language"
  3. Click on the Drop Down menu, and select the language you want the page translated to from Google Chrome's list of available languages. When you finish selecting a language, click "Translate". 

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