Our Graphics apps offer advanced scheduling options! You can edit the schedule for graphics in the Graphics & Video, Corporate Graphics, and Ad Scheduler apps.
Contents of this article
Access Scheduling Menu
To access your graphics app and the scheduling menu for a specific graphic follow these steps:
1. Open the desired app from the apps dropdown menu or from your display group
2. From the app's graphics library, hover your mouse over the graphic whose schedule you wish to modify and select "Edit Details"
3. Select the "Schedule" tab
Use the Duration slider or change the duration number to set the amount of time you'd like your graphic to show on the screen. If it's a picture graphic, you may set it to a shorter duration, so your customers receive a brief glimpse. If it's a more detailed graphic, you may set it to up to 60 seconds for extended viewing pleasure.
Please note: Duration settings won't affect videos. Videos play their full length regardless of the duration setting. For best performance, duration should be no less than 9 seconds.
Limiting Days and Times
This option is perfect for promotions or events. Have a weekly meeting that you'll be advertising via a Graphics app?
1. Switch on the Limit Days toggle
2. Check off which days you'd like the graphic to play
3. If you would like to schedule the time of the graphic switch on the Limit Time toggle
4. Set the time you'd like that specific graphic to play each day
5. Click to add additional time intervals
- When adding multiple time intervals to the Limit Time setting, the time must fall between 12:00 AM and 11:59 PM, in chronological order. Above is an example of how to schedule overnight content
- Combine the Limit Days and Limit Time options to show the graphic only on the days and times you need the content displayed.
Schedule for Later
Don't want to play a graphic right now, but want to set it up to play in the future?
1. Enable the Schedule for Later toggle
2. Select the date you'd like the graphic to begin playing. This option is perfect for scheduling graphics for a future event.
3. If you would like the graphic to stop playing on a certain date, select the dropdown "End > On Date"
- On the selected "Disable" date, the graphic will be "disabled" - it will be removed from the selected display group(s), although it will still be available in your "All Graphics" library
- If you'd like the graphic to be completely deleted on the Disable date, use the "Delete when expired" checkbox
4. If you would like the graphic to stop playing after a certain number of appearances, you can use the "End > After Content Plays" option and set the desired number
You can set your graphic to show up more often on your display. The lower the number you set, the more frequently that graphic will play on repeat.
Priority Play
Our "Priority Play" option allows for one or more graphics to take on a "priority" feature. Enabling the Priority Play toggle for a graphic will cause the screen to play only Priority Play graphics for the same app. No other apps will play during that time.
- We strongly suggest limiting the days & times this graphic will play
- If Priority Play is enabled on any other app for the assigned display group, you will not be able to set the priority play setting
- Priority Play is NOT available for the Ad Scheduler app