DS Menu


This is a legacy app that has been replaced by the powerful Templates app. Check out our Templates guide for setup information and additional details.

DSMenu allows you to easily create captivating, professional menu boards with a simple, yet powerful drag-and-drop interface. With the DSMenu App for Enplug, you can integrate DSMenu with your Enplug displays to create and showcase your digital menu boards.

To use this app, you'll need a Standard or Pro DSMenu subscription. Learn more about DSMenu's subscription plans on their pricing page.


Contents of this guide

Creating a Menu on DSMenu

Configuring the DSMenu app for Enplug


Creating a menu on DSMenu

You can create a menu in two ways. You can create a new one from scratch or select one from the gallery and edit it to fit your needs. I’ll show you how to edit one of the dozens of stunning pre-designed menus available in the gallery.

  1. Log in to DSMenu and click Select From Gallery. (If you don't have an account, create one) Choose a menu you’d like to use and click Edit Menu
  2. Double-click an element to edit it
  3. Drag-and-drop to move an element
  4. When you're done, click Save, Publish, and then My Menuboard.
  5. Under My Menuboard copy the Public URL of your menu board. You'll need this to set it up on your Enplug Dashboard.

Configuring the DSMenu app for Enplug

  1. Click the Apps dropdown, then the Explore Apps section to select the DSMenu app from the list of apps.
  2. Click Import Menu
  3. Paste in your menu's Public Board, and a name for your menu, and click Save.
  4. Your menu board is now live!
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